The “Drôles de Petites Bêtes” Collection, published by Gallimard Jeunesse, proposes a great selection of children’s books, which recount the adventures of a « drôle de petite bête » (A funny little bug)
Mondizen’s objective is to provide French products to French expatriates worldwide, so Modizen has added a new « family » section to its on-line catalogue.
In this new section, you can find a great selection of the “Drôles de petites bêtes” Collection, which has been carefully selected by Mondizen to provide your child with an instructive yet entertaining set of books. Your children will love them and the stories will help your children to better understand the world around them.
Among the ‘Drôles de petites bêtes’ featured in the Mondizen catalogue, you can find Belle la Coccinelle (Belle the Ladybird) in her red dress with black spots. Tall and pretty, Camille La Chenille (Camille the Caterpillar), Juliette la Rainette (Juliette the Treefrog) in her cute pink tutu, Lorette la Pâquerette (the Daisy) and her white petals, Loulou de Pou (Loulou the Louse) with his big hat and blue umbrella, Merlin de Merle (Merlin the Blackbird) in his elegant suit, Pascale la Cigale (Pascale the Grasshopper) and her huge wings, as well as Samson le Hérisson (Samson the Hedgehog)and Solange la Mésange (Solange the Blue tit).
Find these « Drôles de petites bêtes» children’s books on the Mondizen website, your children will love them and you can be sure you are giving them entertaining, stimulating books which will help them better understand the world around them and grow up.
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you are looking for an item which is not featured in our catalogue. Mondizen is at your disposal, and we will do our utmost to find you the products you need.